The mission of the international nonprofit NFPA, established in 1896, is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating consensus codes standards, research, training and education. The world’s leading advocate of fire prevention and an authoritative source on public safety, NFPA develops, publishes, and disseminates more than 300 consensus codes and standards intended to minimize the possibility and effects of fire and other risks. NFPA has more than 70,000 members around the world. http://www.nfpa.org/

National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies was founded in 1961 and is a not-for-profit division of NSPE. NICET is a recognized certification for engineering technicians and technologist within the United States. Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) throughout the United States recognize the value of NICET certification. Today, more than half of all U.S. States require some level of NICET certification of fire protection, designers, installers, and contractors. http://www.nicet.org/

New York State Department of Economic Development /Empire State
Development & Division of Minority and Women’s Business Development
Empire State Development is to promote business investment and growth that leads to job creation and prosperous communities across New York State. This includes economic development that is dedicated to making New York the most compelling place in which to live, work and do business. The Division of Minority and Women-Owned Business promotes the equality of economic opportunities for minority and women business enterprises (MWBE’s) to eliminate barriers regarding their participation in state contracts. FES is certified with this division in: 0916-Electric Contractors; 0270-Fire Detection Systems; 0234 Electronic Security System Services and 2018-Closed Circuit Surveillance Systems http://www.empire.state.ny.us/

The City of New York Department of Housing Preservation and Development, Division of Maintenance
FES is a member of the Contractor Panel in Fire and Security division.

New York Burglar & Fire Alarm Association
This trade association for the New York Alarm Industry represents over 250 security alarm companies, manufacturers, and distributors that do business in the State of New York. http://nybfa.org/

The AFAA is an industry advocate organization dedicated to improving the quality, reliability and value of Fire and Life-Safety Systems. The AFAA reflects the benefits and importance of fire and life-safety systems and developing high-quality training and educational programs for its members. http://www.afaa.org/